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2011 Archived News

11/30/2011: Yang Yang has accepted a position at the University of Florida’s Department of Biostatistics. 11/01/2011: Eben Kenah has accepted a position at the University of Florida’s Department of Biostatistics.

2010 Archived News

09/27/2010: CSQUID organized The Future of Flu Symposium at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. 09/23/2010: Betz Halloran received a MERIT award from The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). 06/01/2010: Nicole Basta attended the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting. 06/01/2010:…

2009 Archived News

12/17/2009:  Betz Halloran named AAAS Fellow. 12/01/2009: Design and Analysis of Vaccine Studies published. 10/30/2009: The Transmissibility and Control of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus has been published in Science. (Abstract, Reprint) 06/15/2009: Summer Institute…