- First Ebola Vaccine Moves Closer to Licensing with Help of UF Researchers
- Data Analysis Looks at Zika’s Introduction to Amricas, Predicts Microcephaly Cases
- Zika One Year Later: Is It Going Away?
- Hurricane Season Does Not Increase Zika Risk for Gainesville, Experts Conclude
- Florida: Zika Virus: Only a Few Small Outbreaks Likely to Occur in Continental U.S.
- 9th Annual Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)
- Household Transmission of Vibrio Cholerae in Bangladesh Data
- UF Researchers Inform Development of Ebola Vaccine Trials
- Ebola Lessons Applied to Vaccine Clinical Trials
- Paper Points to Most Effective Vaccine Trials for Epidemics, Including Ebola
- 7th Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases
- Fighting Ebola with Numbers and Statistics
- Ebola Research
- CSQUID Represented at AFRICHOL Consortium Meeting
- 6th Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (2014)
- FHCRC Welcomes Lauren Schwartz
- FHCRC Welcomes Leora Feldstein
- FHCRC Hosts Summer Intern, Hanna Buechi
- FHCRC Welcomes Dobromir Dimitrov
- The Global Burden and Control of Cholera, A Public Symposium